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"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful we must carry it with us or we find it not."

R. W. Emerrson

Entries in Mississippi (1)


Natchez Trace Parkway

We are easing into our world travels with a warm-up trip in the continental US.  Ironically, our warm-up trip started with record cold weather in much of the Midwest, including Ohio where we traveled on January 2nd to see family and friends.  After a long weekend of enjoying the familiarities of home, we headed south to check the first item off of our bucket list, The Natchez Trace Parkway, an historic 444 mile route stretching from Nashville Tennessee to Natchez Mississippi.

Our road trip on the Trace was enjoyed at a relatively relaxed pace.  We stopped at a variety of sites such as:

  • Jackson Falls
  • Memorials (Meriwether Lewis and the War of 1812)
  • Native American ceremonial mounds (Bear Creek, Pharr, and Emerald)
  • Cypress Swamp (pictured above)

Along the way we witnessed a variety of wildlife including deer, turkeys, and hawks.  It was a beautiful, well organized, and well maintained route; we recommend it to anyone wanting to get off the highway and return to an unspoiled environment.