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"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful we must carry it with us or we find it not."

R. W. Emerrson

Entries in Otago Coast (1)


The Weird, Wild Landscape - Moeraki Boulders

The Wonderfully Weird Moeraki BouldersIt's rare for us to want to return to a site we accidently passed on a road-trip, but we recently backtracked...and for good reason.  The Moeraki boulders are rock formations left on one particular New Zealand beach; they were formed over 55 million years ago when shells, mud and pebbles were deposited and buried on the sea floor.  Over time, deposits of lime encased each item to form these spherical boulders which are revealed as wind and surf erode the no longer submerged cliffs.  The quantity and unique shape and size are truly a site to behold.